Nolinor Aviation Modernizes 10 B737-200 with UA Glass Cockpit

Universal Avionics (UA) announces that 10 Nolinor Aviation Boeing 737-200 aircraft are undergoing a modernization program for state-of-the-art avionics and glass displays. The aircraft upgrade includes 4 UA EFI-890R Advanced Flight Displays and the addition of a second UA UNS-1Lw Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS)-Flight Management System (FMS). The first upgrade is complete and the aircraft has re-entered service, and the second aircraft installation is in process with UA Authorized Dealer, Mid-Canada Mod Center.

The upgrade addresses equipment obsolescence and increasing difficulty in supporting older electromechanical instruments, greatly improving reliability and safety. The EFI-890R Advanced Flight Displays also allow Nolinor to focus on increasing dispatch reliability and mission completion – meeting the needs of mining companies, and transporting more than a hundred passengers to extremely remote villages only accessible by air.

An SBAS-capable FMS has become a must for commercial aircraft operating in Canada's north where weather can be challenging and the ability to fly RNAV (GNSS) LPV LOS approach procedures are often necessary to complete flight operations. The UA UNS-1Lw SBAS-FMS's combination of analog and digital inputs/outputs makes it an ideal fit for the B737-200 aircraft. In addition, gravel runways included in the FMS Navigation Database, as well as True North course approaches, and FMS Temperature Compensation (TEMP COMP) were all sought-after features offered with the UA SBAS-FMS.

To learn more, visit UA Booth #229 during the 2018 RAA Annual Convention.