Congressional Transportation Leaders Release Compromise FAA Reauthorization

House and Senate transportation leaders released the text of a 1,200 page compromise bill (HR 302, FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018) to reauthorize the FAA for five years and provide $96.7 billion in funding. This compromise bill (which combines the House and Senate FAA bills) drastically shortens the process towards enactment into law and sets Congress and the Administration up for a legislative win before congressional adjournment for the midterm elections.

While the majority of the bill focuses on FAA reauthorization, other bills have been included that support the needs of NTSB, maritime, TSA and disaster relief for states affected by Hurricane Florence. The compromise legislation contains many issues supported by NATA, including efforts to ensure regulatory consistency, combat illegal charter, encourage the next generation of aviation maintenance technicians, and promote the Piston Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI).

The House is scheduled to take up this massive bill on Wednesday at noon and send it to the Senate for immediate consideration. If all goes according to plan, it’s estimated that a final Senate floor vote will occur sometime Friday and be delivered to President Trump for enactment into law on Saturday, avoiding an expiration of funding authority and a sixth short-term extension. For an analysis of the legislation, click here. Follow NATA’s social media for continuing coverage of the compromise bill’s contents and progress.