Jet Aviation Gains EASA STC Approval for ADS-B Out Compliance on B747 in Basel

Jet Aviation recently received EASA Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for ADS-B Out compliance for the B747 series aircraft, some 2 years ahead of EASA and FAA 2020 mandates.

With this approval, Jet Aviation’s MRO and Completions facility in Basel is authorized to configure and install ADS-B Out systems on B747 aircraft subject to specific equipment configurations.

ADS-B Out compliance delivers digital information such as the aircraft’s exact position, sensors and system accuracy and traffic and resolution advice to airborne and landed Automatic Dependent Surveillance-B (ADS-B) receivers. This enhances situational awareness for Air Traffic Control of aircraft with ADS-B Out capabilities and is mandated by the FAA effective January 2020, followed by EASA in June 2020.

“This STC demonstrates our commitment to meeting the highest safety and security standards while providing the most benefit to our customers in a timely manner,” says Estelle Thorin, director of Program Management for large aircraft in Basel. “We are pleased to extend ADS-B Out compliance to owners and operators of Boeing B747 aircraft.”