NBAA Recognizes Critical Step in Modernizing European Aviation Safety

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) recognizes the Council of the European Union’s (EU’s) recent approval of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) new Basic Regulation.

The Basic Regulation establishes a standard of safety across all EU member states. The new regulation is intended to modernize the agency, establish guidelines for its interactions with other regulators and mandate a risk-based approach to regulating. The new Basic Regulation is expected to reduce costs and administrative burdens for both the agency and industry.

The Council of the EU’s approval is just one step in the process that will lead to the regulation’s adoption. Before taking effect, the Basic Regulation must still be adopted by the General Affairs Council ministries and then published in the EU’s Official Journal.

Once in place, the Basic Regulation will ensure that EASA receives the resources needed to implement related mandates and establish a more efficient and effective framework in which to regulate.

Some issues expected to benefit from the implemented Basic Regulation include cyber security and unmanned aircraft systems regulations, as well as aircraft and component certification initiatives.

“The new Basic Regulation will aid in EASA’s modernization of its regulatory responsibilities,” said Doug Carr, NBAA’s vice president of international and regulatory affairs. “The new framework established by the Basic Regulation will give the agency flexibility to respond efficiently to safety innovations in the industry.”

The General Affairs Council ministries is expected to adopt the new Basic Regulation later this summer, with publication in the Official Journal shortly thereafter. However, full implementation could take five years, according to the proposed transition plan. The Basic Regulation will require evaluation and revision of virtually all of EASA’s implementing rules.