NBAA Salutes RTCA President Margaret Jenny for Her Tireless Service to Aviation

National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen today commended RTCA President Margaret Jenny on her successful tenure at the organization, marked by an emphasis on raising the bar for providing widely respected, data-driven aviation analysis, and fostering an environment that promotes the effective implementation of “NextGen,” the ongoing work to preserve America’s leadership in aviation.

Since 2008, Ms. Jenny has led RTCA, Inc., a private, not-for-profit association, which has for decades produced independent, consensus-based aviation-policy recommendations. She announced her retirement from the association on June 7.

“During her 10-year term, Margaret has significantly enhanced RTCA’s reputation as a forum for industry collaboration, consensus and accountability,” Bolen said. “In 2009, she led a pioneering effort to establish the organization’s legendary Task Force 5, which laid the groundwork for the NextGen Advisory Committee. That committee now spearheads the work of government and industry stakeholders, working from a data-driven roadmap, to help establish NextGen priorities, timelines and metrics.

Bolen noted that Ms. Jenny’s leadership at RTCA has been recognized and applauded by stakeholders representing major airlines, airports, manufacturers, community groups, policymakers and providers of emerging technologies.

“Simply put, Margaret’s work at RTCA has not only set the foundation for the development and implementation of ‘NextGen,’ but helped turn what was once a massive, complex and largely unworkable idea into consensus plan that is clear, measurable and yielding real benefits to both the aviation community and the general public,” Bolen said. “Her work has helped ensure that America will remain the world’s aviation leader, five, 10 and 25 years from today. She departs the association with a remarkable level of accomplishment, applause and due credit for a job well done.”

Bolen serves on RTCA’s board of directors and has twice served as the organization’s chair.

According to Ms. Jenny’s biography, she has served on numerous boards and advisory committees, including the National Academy of Sciences, the National Transportation Research Board Committee, the FAA’s Research Engineering and Development Advisory Committee and the NextGen Institute’s Institute Management Council. She has been an officer of the Aero Club of Washington Board of Governors and served as a member of the Women in Aerospace Board of Directors.

She also serves on the Board of Directors of Street Sense, a Washington, DC-based organization aimed at ending homelessness. She has received numerous awards, including the Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurel (1997).