Jet Aviation Develops STCs for Ka Band Connectivity

Jet Aviation recently received industry’s first EASA Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for Ka-band system integration on a Boeing 747-400 in Basel. The company is also working on Satcom SBB and Live TV systems installations. It recently demonstrated compliance with the latest EASA bird strike requirement on the Rockwell Collins Live TV Radome.

Jet Aviation is investing in connectivity solutions to ensure its customers can enjoy the fastest internet connectivity available in the market for commercial aircraft and private jets. The company's engineering team in Basel spent two years developing a technical solution for Ka-band system integration. After demonstrating EASA-compliance, the solution was first implemented on a Boeing 747-400 and Jet Aviation was issued the EASA STC in late 2017. Jet Aviation is currently developing a second EASA STC for a Boeing 767-300 aircraft and further plans to revise its 747-400 STC for another model in the 747 series, including a new antenna location.