Jettly Now Accepting Bitcoin For Managed Membership Accounts

Bitcoin usage has finally reached critical mass, becoming a mainstream investment with many actively trading futures on major exchanges and platforms. With Bitcoin’s massive popularity in mind, Jettly announces that its managed members will now be able to use the cryptocurrency to fund their accounts and pay for their ongoing travel.

"As a pioneer in private jet travel, Jettly is always ahead of the curve when it comes to technology and innovation. Managed accounts are already our most robust membership option, giving members access to unlimited air charter bookings, a personal flight coordinator, free rideshare transfers, and more. Constantly looking for ways to provide our valued managed members with even greater levels of service and convenience, we’re thrilled to open the opportunity for them to use Bitcoin to fund their travel accounts,” said Justin Crabbe, CEO of Jettly.

Bitcoin payments can now be made to fund Managed Membership holder trust accounts with those funds used for their ongoing charter flights and to pay for annual membership fees for the use of the Jettly service for as long as they remain a Jettly Managed Membership Holder.