NetJets and Corporate Angel Network's Expanded Partnership Increases Patient Access to Cancer Treatment


NetJets announced an expanded partnership with Corporate Angel Network, giving more adult and pediatric cancer patients access to the best treatment—and increasing chances of survival. Since 1997, NetJets and its owners have supported the New York-based non-profit organization by donating hundreds of flight hours to cancer patients. Now, the company is giving Corporate Angel Network access to more flying opportunities—potentially doubling the amount of flights the organization secures.

“Corporate Angel Network is an extraordinary organization that makes it possible for cancer patients to get the life-saving treatment they need. As a parent, I can only imagine how devastating it is to care for a sick child while dealing with the many challenges and obstacles that can interrupt access to medical care,” said Adam Johnson, Chairman and CEO, NetJets. “It is our privilege to support the incredible efforts of Corporate Angel Network by providing expanded access to flight operations.” 

NetJets is coordinating full flight operations information, allowing Corporate Angel Network to quickly and frequently secure positioning flights for patient travel. The company has also arranged for lodging providers Marriott, Hyatt, and Hilton, and ground transportation companies Empire CLS and Savoya, to provide free lodging and ground transportation when possible. With their generous support, these changes will have a huge impact on the organization.

“Corporate Angel Network recently completed its 55,000th cancer patient flight. Our success over the years is possible because of the dedication and efforts of many volunteers, as well as the support we receive from companies that share their ‘empty seats’ with patients,” said Gina Russo, Executive Director, Corporate Angel Network. “For 20 years, NetJets has been one of our greatest supporters and we are thrilled that with the help of their network of travel providers, we will be able to help even more families in need.”

Many patients that seek support from Corporate Angel Network live in remote locations, making it challenging to access major airports. Private jets make it possible for patients to arrive closer to medical centers, and return closer to home. In addition to giving Corporate Angel Network access to ferry flights, NetJets Owners will continue to be able to donate their flight hours to the organization, and starting this year, NetJets will match Owner flight hour donations up to 50 hours annually.

To be eligible for Corporate Angel Network support, patients must be: A cancer patient, bone marrow or stem cell donor or recipient, traveling to or from treatment, consultation, or check-up, able to walk up the steps of a corporate aircraft without assistance, and not need oxygen, IV, or onboard medical assistance. Eligibility is not based on financial need, and patients may travel as often as necessary and may bring a companion (in the case of children, two caregivers may travel with the child).  Besides the financial savings to patients, this method of flying also alleviates the physical stress and exposure of going through commercial airports.

“On behalf of all the patients we serve, Corporate Angel Network would like to express its gratitude to the entire NetJets family for their generosity and support,” said Russo. “Thanks to their partnership, we are breaking down barriers to treatment, pushing the science forward and removing some of the burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis.”