Six General Aviation Associations Recommend Best Communication Practices for FBOs

Together, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and three other aviation associations released a set of best communications practices for FBOs this week.

The “Know Before You Go” best practices (PDF) include publishing online the potential prices, fees and charges that pilots may encounter upon landing at an airport. The organizations recommend FBOs provide explanations of the reasons for the fees and charges, too.

The groups call on FBOs to adopt the best practices “expeditiously,” yet they acknowledge some FBOs face challenges unique to them and may need time to implement the recommended changes.

The best practices also include a plea for FBOs and customers to communicate directly “so that operators can ask questions, know and evaluate their options, and make informed decisions.”

According to the joint release, “With this declaration, we remain committed to promoting the widespread adoption of these best practices, which will strengthen the flight experience and general aviation overall.”

“This industry-recommended best business practice document memorializes the importance of clear communication, which is practiced by the vast majority of FBOs,” NATA president Gary Dempsey said.

“We appreciate our member companies that own and operate FBOs leading this effort toward improved transparency for all of us that fly general aviation aircraft,” GAMA president and CEO Pete Bunce said.

“Our nation’s general aviation community depends on active pilots and the important services provided by FBOs all across the nation,” NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen said. “With this document, we recognize this synergistic relationship as we work together toward the shared goals of collaboration, transparency and growth.”

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association and Helicopter Association International also joined the call for implementation of these best practices.