Execujet Middle East | Challenger 605 First Officer

ExecuJet Middle East is currently seeking a Challenger 605 First Officer to fill a vacancy within our Flight Operations division. The operational base is Kuwait and crew members operate on a rotational roster (32 Days On/ 28 Days Off). 

Candidate Profile:


Type Rated on Challenger 604/5

Work Experience (length/type)

1500 hours total time

1000 hours Multi-engine time

500 hours Jet time

50 hours on type

Background (Industry, etc)

Corporate Aviation


Fluency in written and spoken English. Additional languages would be advantageous.

IT Skills

Basic Skills – Microsoft Office

Character Profile



Team Player/ works well without supervision

Works well under pressure


Job Description:


Reports to:

Pilot- in-Command during the assigned flight

Flight Operations Manager on other administrative matters












ü Liaise with passengers or aircraft owner, when an aircraft defect or other operational issue may affect the aircrafts schedule;

ü Be responsible for the aircraft IAW EJME COM / POM, depending on aircraft registry, including but not limited to; Operations, FDP and Safety;

ü Ensure that the aircraft is operated i.a.w. EJME COM or POM, depending on aircraft registry, including SOP’s;

ü Be familiar with EJME COM / POM, company OI's and Civil Aviation regulations for which the aircraft is registered, and operate accordingly;

ü Is responsible for all decisions made on board the aircraft;

ü aircraft paperwork is in order before departure;

ü aircraft is airworthy before departure;

ü Create a safe and professional environment on-board with emphasis on good CRM;

ü Ensure that the passengers travel documents are correct before departure;

ü Has ultimate responsibility ‎for the passenger, and that the passengers adhere to FA instructions. If operating with an ISP, the Captain will ensure that all briefings and cabin security checks are conducted by either himself, or assigned to the co-pilot;

ü Brief passengers on journey time, en-route weather, possible delays and anything else pertinent to the flight;

ü Ensure that the crew are presentable, and that the crew, at no time‎, damage the reputation or image of ExecuJet Middle East;

ü Report any abnormalities, events, incidents or accidents, via the correct channels;

ü Understand and ensure compliance with all relevant internal and external rules, regulations and procedures that apply to the conduct of the business in which you are involved.


These duties are indicative of the role and are not exhaustive and may change to meet the Companies Business Objectives from time to time as required by your Manager.


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