Priester Aviation Named a Finalist for ‘Best In Industry’ Awards by The Family Wealth Alliance

Priester Aviation, LLC has been named a finalist in two “Best in the Industry” awards hosted by The Family Wealth Alliance, in the categories for both Outsource Solution/Provider and The Client Experience. 

“The Alliance is a trusted resource for the family office community, identifying businesses and services that can serve the particular needs of its clients,” said Andy Priester, President and CEO of Priester Aviation.  “To be included in this elite group of professional service companies – that’s a tremendous honor.”

The winners of the Best in Industry awards will be presented at The Alliance’s 15th Anniversary Awards Gala, which will be held at Chicago’s Union League Club on October 17.

“Because of the role The Alliance plays within the family wealth industry, we have enjoyed a unique vantage point from which to identify the trailblazers among us,” said Thomas R. Livergood, Family Wealth Alliance Founder and CEO.  “In our 15th anniversary year, this Awards Gala is our opportunity to honor these leaders and celebrate their many contributions to our evolving industry.”