Desert Jet Founder Denise Wilson Receives “Women Who Rule” Award

Desert Jet announces its founder, President and CEO, Denise Wilson, will be recognized by the Women Leaders Forum of the Coachella Valley (WLF) during their 6th Annual Awards Luncheon and Scholarship Fundraiser Event. Denise is one of four women that WLF will be honoring for their community leadership, public service, commitment to education and entrepreneurship with the “Women Who Rule” award. Denise Wilson will be receiving the WLF Desert Visionary Award.

Founded over 18 years ago, the WLF continues its mission to empower and develop women leaders of all ages and backgrounds in the community and fund college scholarships for the best and brightest members enrolled in WLF’s Young Women Leaders Mentoring Program. Currently, members of WLF are mentoring over 60 young women leaders, all high school seniors, in individualized one on one programs.