IS-BAH Achieves Century Milestone

The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) announced its International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) program has reached 100 registered handler locations since it was introduced in July 2014.

The IS-BAH follows the structure of the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) programme and incorporates the NATA Safety 1st Ground Audit Program. IS-BAH is the global industry standard for business aircraft handling agents and fixed-base operators around the world developed to align with existing and future Safety Management System (SMS) requirements aimed at ground handling service providers. 

“We are excited to reach this milestone of 100 IS-BAH operator locations, and I am very proud of our team that made this possible,” stated Terry Yeomans, Programme Director for IS-BAH. “We are experiencing substantial growth in the programme right now. I see our momentum continuing as more FBOs and handling agents embrace the code of industry developed best practices as our sector recognizes the value of a positive safety culture to their core business.”     

IS-BAH combines voluntary best practices for business aircraft ground handlers with a robust SMS embedded. Apart from airport minimum standards, the FBO industry remains largely unregulated. The voluntary proactive adoption of IS-BAH could lead to preferred long-term self-regulation for the FBO industry. IBAC plays an active role within the ICAO Ground Handling Task Force that is currently developing ground handling guidance documentation for State’s consideration. IBAC is fully committed to support the global business aviation community in its drive to reduce ground handling related incidents.

Learn more at or visit the IS-BAH Programme Director, Terry Yeomans, at the upcoming NBAA Regional Forum in West Palm Beach, Florida, January 24th at booth #201 and at the NBAA Schedulers and Dispatchers Conference in Long Beach, California, February 6-9 at booth #1230.