ARGUS Launches Operational Excellence Program for Stage 3 IS-BAO Registered Flight Departments

ARGUS International, Inc. (ARGUS) announces the launch of the Operational Excellence Program (OEP) for business aviation flight departments that are currently IS-BAO Stage 3 registered.

Developed in response to interest from IS-BAO Stage 3 registered flight departments, the Operational Excellence Program will expand and enhance the overall management processes for participating flight departments. OEP was designed to facilitate the collection and sharing of de-identified information amongst its participants.

“I believe this program fits the needs of many of our top tier business aviation flight departments that have the capability and desire to focus on continuous improvement and the further advancement of their safety management systems,” said Jim Cannon, Part 91 Liaison for ARGUS. “Benchmarking at this level provides insight on how other well managed organizations are dealing with the current challenges facing business aviation today.”

Guidelines covering human factors, cultural augmentation, organizational advancement, strategic planning, communication, financial metrics, technology advancements, advanced SMS techniques and outsourced services strategies were developed for the ARGUS Operational Excellence Program.

“Designed to attract high performing aviation flight departments that wish to venture beyond IS-BAO Stage 3, the ARGUS Operational Excellence Program is for flight departments who want to participate in a more advanced implementation of industry best practices,” added Joe Moeggenberg, President and CEO of ARGUS International.

The ARGUS Operational Excellence Program was beta tested during the Spring and Summer of 2017, with more than a dozen well-recognized business aviation flight departments. This program is only available to IS-BAO Stage 3 registered entities. For more information, visit: