Empty Legs from Air Trek Inc. : March 7 Update

Featured Air Trek Inc. Empty Leg: 03/16/2017 - Pennsylvania to Florida - Citation 500
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Empty Legs - Charter 

03/16/2017 - Pennsylvania to Florida - Citation 500

03/30/2017 - Georgia to Florida - Cessna 414

04/17/2017 - Pennsylvania to Florida - Citation VII

04/17/2017 - Florida to Pennsylvania - Citation 500

04/27/2017 - Tennessee to Florida - Citation VII

05/22-23/2017 - Colorado to Florida - Citation 500

10/28/2017 - Florida to Tennessee - Citation VII

3/16/2018 - Cayman Islands to Florida - Citation VII

3/24/2018 - Florida to Cayman Islands - Citation VII


 Empty Legs - Air Ambulance

03/30/2017 - Maryland to Florida - Citation 500

03/31/2017 - Ohio to Florida - Citation 500

Please call Air Trek Inc. at 800-633-5387 or email to airtrek@medjets.com for pricing