AfBAC EXPO Taking off as South African Civil Aviation Authority Lends Support

AfBAC EXPO, the African Business Aviation Association’s first combined conference, exhibition and static display, has confirmed that it is being supported by the South African Civil Aviation Authority, whose Director of Civil Aviation, Poppy Khoza, will give a key note speech.

The conference theme will focus on the evolution, sustainability and longevity of African business aviation and will take a contemporary approach to draw delegates into debate. High level speakers, panels led by leading industry professionals, and esteemed presenters including an Academy Award Winner, will stimulate debate.  Increasing profits whilst reducing costs, maximising operational efficiency in a competitive market and adapting to the unexpected, crucial in a constantly changing business aviation environment, will be the triptych of topics underpinning discussion. The conference, to be held on 29 November, will be followed by the Expo, two days of exhibition and static display forming a stage of continued debate.

The Expo is already 85% sold out to international, continental and local companies and the last remaining booths are now being allocated, whilst the static display is over 60% full. Running in parallel a portfolio of exciting workshops is already shaping up to give delegates hands on operational ideas. These will cover a variety of themes, including how to manage the transport of valuable assets whether human, or other, delivered by security experts from Valkyrie; Satcom Direct will talk about the need to think about maintaining data integrity using cyber security; Refilwe Ledwaba, formally a South African police helicopter pilot and who now runs an organisation dedicated to the sustainable economic empowerment and personal development of women, will debate how to attract younger women into the aviation sector.

“This is going to be a stimulating meeting with genuinely collaborative forums, inspirational speakers, and serious workshops combining to provide an unmissable aviation event. Any business aviation executive operating in Africa must attend to maximise the wealth of information, knowledge and networking we have incorporated into this meeting.  We think this will be one of the best aviation events to take place on the continent this year and encourage stakeholders to participate in the event, communicate their story, and initiate new business,” said Rady Fahmy AfBAA CEO.

 AfBAC EXPO 2017 will take place at the Montecasino Resort, where the conference will be held on 29th November and at ExecuJet’s Lanseria facility from 30th November to 1st December. For more information please contact or visit