NBAA Announces New Fitts Aviation Scholarship for Aspiring Business Aviation Professionals

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) announced that NBAA Charities will offer a new scholarship to support the development of aspiring business aviation professionals. The Fred and Diane Fitts Aviation Scholarship will include funds of up to $2,500 to assist four individuals seeking careers as business aviation schedulers, dispatchers, maintenance professionals, pilots or flight attendants.

Scholarships will be awarded in fall of 2018, with selection focusing on applicants who express their dedication to furthering the business aviation industry. Funds may be used for professional or educational training that will help recipients enter the business aviation career path of their choice.

“We’re very excited to add the Fred and Diane Fitts Aviation Scholarship to our lineup of 17 unique monetary and training awards given out to business aviation students and professionals each year,” said Tyler Austin, NBAA’s manager of professional development. “This scholarship provides an enormous opportunity for individuals looking to begin a career in business aviation.”

NBAA Charities offers monetary and training scholarships for both students and aviation professionals, such as flight department managers, pilots, maintenance technicians, schedulers, dispatchers, flight attendants and flight technicians. These scholarships, which total nearly $100,000 annually, are administered by NBAA standing committees and would not be possible without the generous financial support of NBAA member donors.